Wednesday, August 1, 2012

First Time Blogger! Here Goes Nothing...

About 2 years ago, I bumped into an old friend at the mall. In a quick effort to catch up, we ran through the typical "catch-up questions" like: Are you married? Do you have any kids? Where are you living? Where do you work? At the time, I had just accepted an office manager position at a local physical therapy clinic. When I told my friend this, he replied by saying "I thought for sure you'd be a photographer." And, just like that, it hit me! I’ve always been known as "the girl with the camera." In high school my friends would often joke that my camera was glued to my hand. In fact, I heard “I didn’t bring my camera, because I knew you’d have yours” on more than one occasion. When I go on vacation, I don’t just snap a few shots here and there. I take at least a few hundred pictures. Just ask my husband, Ryan! He’ll tell you that on our honeymoon, we took nearly 1,000 pictures. We were only in Hawaii for 11 days. You do the math! Photography has always been something that I’ve enjoyed and I value my pictures far more than any other material possessions. What I am able to capture with my lens, in a single moment, is a memory frozen in time. A memory that my clients will be able to enjoy long after the moment has passed. So, here I am! I know I still have a million things to learn, but that’s the beauty of this profession. There’s always something to learn! It’s an ever-expanding field that is constantly evolving itself, challenging your creativity and encouraging you to be better at what you do.  I’d like to thank all of you who have encouraged me throughout these initial stages. Your support keeps me going and I feel fortunate to be surrounded by so many wonderful people. Spread the word, Nicole Cromer Photography is here for all of your photography needs!